Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Glen Toner MEMBERS
Professor Emeritus, Carleton University
Ottawa, Canada
More Info
  • 2016
  • Energy and Resource Engineering (E.R.E)
More Info
  • 2016
  • Energy and Resource Engineering (E.R.E)
Election Remark
Glen’s early career positioned him as a pioneer on issues of sustainability. Glen was influential on many of the sustainability policies and processes introduced by the Government of Canada following the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 1992. Within Carleton, Glen was among the creators of the Carleton Research Unit on Innovation, Science and Environment, establishing a venue for the recruitment and preparation of a new generation of sustainability-oriented public policy professionals.
Throughout his career, Glen has placed a premium on mentoring his students and creating opportunities to grow their networks and leadership potential and to ‘get involved and lead’. That commitment has led to Glen’s former students taking on the highest levels of leadership in the public service and other organizations and institutions.
Awarded annually by the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs on the recommendation of the Director of the School of Public Policy and Administration to an outstanding full-time graduate student enrolled in the School of Public Policy and Administration. Preference will be given to students with an interest in environment and sustainable energy initiatives.
The Dr. Glen Toner Scholarship will provide a yearly financial award to one, or more, outstanding full-time graduate students enrolled in the School of Public Policy and Administration. This award will ensure the recipients are able to focus on their schoolwork and leadership development, while lessening the financial burden of tuition fees and living expenses. This award is a fitting way to celebrate Glen’s commitment to sustainability, and to ensuring students have the conditions to allow them to reach their fullest potential.

He was elected as member of the Euorpean Academy of Engineering in 2016.